صحبة الخير
{يَا أَيُّهَا النَّاسُ إِنَّا خَلَقْنَاكُم مِّن ذَكَرٍ وَأُنثَى وَجَعَلْنَاكُمْ شُعُوباً وَقَبَائِلَ لِتَعَارَفُوا إِنَّ أَكْرَمَكُمْ عِندَ اللَّهِ أَتْقَاكُمْ إِنَّ اللَّهَ عَلِيمٌ خَبِيرٌ }الحجرات13

{إِنَّ هَـذَا الْقُرْآنَ يِهْدِي لِلَّتِي هِيَ أَقْوَمُ وَيُبَشِّرُ الْمُؤْمِنِينَ الَّذِينَ يَعْمَلُونَ الصَّالِحَاتِ أَنَّ لَهُمْ أَجْراً كَبِيراً }الإسراء9

يسعدنا ان تشارك معنا
صحبة الخير
{يَا أَيُّهَا النَّاسُ إِنَّا خَلَقْنَاكُم مِّن ذَكَرٍ وَأُنثَى وَجَعَلْنَاكُمْ شُعُوباً وَقَبَائِلَ لِتَعَارَفُوا إِنَّ أَكْرَمَكُمْ عِندَ اللَّهِ أَتْقَاكُمْ إِنَّ اللَّهَ عَلِيمٌ خَبِيرٌ }الحجرات13

{إِنَّ هَـذَا الْقُرْآنَ يِهْدِي لِلَّتِي هِيَ أَقْوَمُ وَيُبَشِّرُ الْمُؤْمِنِينَ الَّذِينَ يَعْمَلُونَ الصَّالِحَاتِ أَنَّ لَهُمْ أَجْراً كَبِيراً }الإسراء9

يسعدنا ان تشارك معنا
صحبة الخير
هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.

صحبة الخير

منتدي اسلامي ثقافي دعوي اجتماعي عام
الرئيسيةالبوابةأحدث الصورالتسجيلدخول
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

رَبَّنَا لاَ تُزِغْ قُلُوبَنَا بَعْدَ إِذْ هَدَيْتَنَا وَهَبْ لَنَا مِن لَّدُنكَ رَحْمَةً إِنَّكَ أَنتَ الْوَهَّابُ
صدق الله العضيم



اذهب الى الأسفل 
2 مشترك
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
مشرف عام
مشرف عام

عدد المساهمات : 2125
نقاط : 5953
السٌّمعَة : 5
تاريخ التسجيل : 20/05/2011

مُساهمةموضوع: DRUG AUSE   DRUG AUSE Emptyالسبت سبتمبر 17, 2011 12:22 am

Drug Abuse
Khutbah By Imam Noor Salie
Masjidul Husnayn- Diep River 19th June 2010

Almighty Allah states in the Holy Quran: -- (They ask you (Prophet Muhammad SAW) concerning intoxicants and gambling; say: In them is a great sin and some profit for men, but the sin is greater than the profit)- (2: 219)

And: O ye who believe! Intoxicants and gambling, (Dedication of) stones, and divination by arrows, are an abomination,-- of Shaitaan's handiwork: Stay away from such (abomination), So that you may prosper ? (Q. 5, verses 93)

The Prophet (saw) exhorts us: "Keep yourself AWAY from the mother of all evils.

And *** Abu Hurairah (ra) reported that the Prophet (saw) said: Verily Allah is pure – He (Allah) does not accept anything but what is pure - And verily Almighty Allah ordered the believers with which He ordered the Prophets.

We thank and praise Almighty Allah, Who has prohibited the taking of drugs and intoxicants in any form and enjoined the abstaining from all that is harmful. For He is the most Merciful, the Beneficient and the Sustainer.

We bear witness that there is no deity worthy of worship except Allah, the One Who is gracious to all His servants, having allowed them to partake of everything that is beneficial to themselves and society, and prohibited everything that is harmful. Allah is the All-seeing, the All-knowing. And We bear witness that our Nabi Muhammad (SAW) is the Messenger of Allah, the best who has ever called to that which Allah loves and which pleases Him.

As we are aware that June 16th is youth Day and it will be most appropriate to impart some (Naseehah) advice to our youth -- - The scourge of intoxicants / drug abuse.

In these verses of the Holy Quran Almighty Allah warns us in the strongest terms that the taking of intoxicants, gambling, idol-worshipping and fortune-telling are an ABOMINATION -- abominable sins and seeds which Shaytaan sows to cause destruction, enmity and hatred among us. Through intoxicants and gambling Shaytaan hopes to divert our minds from remembering Allah -- knowing well that only by remembering Allah are the hearts of the believers at rest and will there not be need for drugs to provide a false sense of security. These basic sins prevent us from performing our 'Ibadah, performing our Salah; fulfilling our purpose on earth as Allah's vicegerents, and serving the Ummah with our full capacity which Allah has given us. In the last statement Allah asks us: "Will ye not then abstain?" In the same way that we abstained in the Ramadan and which will help us to fight this evil.

This Qur'anic warning has as much if not more relevance today than what it had 1424 years ago. We read about a new culture, a new set of values that permeate and take over existing cultures and ideologies. This so-called DRUG CULTURE is right on our doorstep and in many cases right in our very homes. It has come in via the TV and the radio, the newspapers and magazines, man's greed and love of money, and, above all, our failure to "shield" our children against it. It threatens to corrode our culture and destroy our Islamic values. In many families it has already taken its toll and deprived them of their loved ones, either a son or a daughter. It could have been my son or your daughter.

Almighty Allah warns us that drug dependence affects not only the individual but the entire Ummah. The World Health Organisation came to the same conclusion and defined drug dependence as "a condition of partial or persistent intoxication which is detrimental to the individual, to society, or both." In a Hadith, narrated by Anas our Nabi Muhammad SAWS shows us how this concept affects both the individual as well as society through this beautiful assertion, when he says Concerning wine: CURSED IS THE PERSON - that grows grapes or something else for wine-- the one who presses or process it, the one who transport it, the one who gives it to drink, the one who sells it, the one who devours it, the one who buys it, and the one for whom it is bought."

If we examine this Hadith closely we will realise that it cuts across the whole spectrum of life: social, economic as well as political. Can anyone blame some of the Muslim Ummah of the Cape when they took to the streets to demonstrate their absolute abhorrence of drug abuse? Can anyone deny the right to draw the attention of the authorities and their decadent Western culture to this scourge they have let loose on our youth? When they declared war on all those associated with drugs, in terms of the definition of our Nabi Muhammad SAWS.

We may think that, by removing the drug peddlers and the junkies we remove the cause and the root of our Ummah's affliction. Do we really remove the cause ? Do we really believe that by removing the "pushers" and every trace of drugs available in the community, we have put an end to this menace? No, we may succeed in removing a possible source of drug distribution, but other sources may soon come to light so long as the demand for drugs exists among our children and among our older brothers and sisters. Our Ummah has been afflicted and before we square up to fight, we must realise the extent of the problem. The problem involves the easy availability and the wide variety of drugs, the subtle and often blatant positive publicity given to drug taking by the media. In this regard you only have to switch on the TV and watch the "hero" smoking or sniffing drugs. But more serious than the availability or the subtle approval given by the authorities is the ignorance and state of lethargy of the Ummah. This, in turn, reflects the extent to which we have abandoned our Islamic values and adopted values which are not our own.

Our Ummah and, indeed, many of our homes have become fertile grounds for the so-called drug culture. Sad to say, you and I may recognise some of these situations in our own homes. Let us look at the home where the father absents himself from the home with so many commitments outside, perhaps his business, social or sport commitments. Often the father is physically present but emotionally absent. He simply does not communicate with his children. Let us look at the home where both parents are working. This poses a strain on the family, which many cannot cope with. Let us look at the double standards of values in the home or the inconsistency between teaching and action.

The child is sent to Madrassah to learn about the Halaal form of dress, that gambling is Haraam or that Salah is compulsory, yet parents adhere to the latest styles, frequent the casinos and when the Adhaan is sounded, the call is simply ignored. This type of hypocrisy provides an ideal environment for taking drugs. Let us examine our "soft" attitude towards people whom we know are obviously drug dealers and peddlers. We tolerate them and some of them are often even allowed to remain prominent members of the community! Let us look at our so-called "liberal" attitude to TV viewing, attending cinemas and discos, especially with regard to our children. Can you see, Brothers and Sisters, how easy it is for a foreign value to gain a foothold in our homes. All this obviously has a negative effect on our value systems. You cannot accept Islam in theory only -- you either accept the WHOLE of the Islamic way of life or not at all. In Surah Luqmaan Allah SWT reminds us: *** "Whoever submits his whole life to Allah, and is a doer of good, has indeed grasped the most trustworthy handhold. – And with Allah rests the end and decision of all affairs. (Q. XXXI : 22)

It is our duty to combat this evil in our midst, but a far greater fight is to build an environment in our homes and in our community where no pusher or junkie, no drug, no matter how attractive it may appear, can influence our children. Where do we start? If we are to get to grips with the root of this question, then we will need to reassess our values and priorities as individuals, as a family and as a community. At the level of a child, learning to recognise harmful drugs, of the destructive effects, the dangers of drugs may be a good starting point. Our attack should, therefore, also be directed at our own weaknesses. The "cure" to our problem is to reverse the cause. Let us ask ourselves the question: Why have we adopted a life-style and pattern of behaviour so different from that prescribed by Islam? Let those brothers and sisters in our jamaa'ah with the expertise to deal with such problems of drug-abuse, join existing bodies, and, if needs be, set up clinics at Masajid where there are facilities, to help our children and older members of the Ummah who are affected.

Remember, our fight is not only to prevent, but also to cure. We cannot abandon our children or brothers and sisters who have become enslaved to drugs. We are reminded of the anecdote of Bayazid, the celebrated Muslim Scholar. One night, as he was returning home from the graveyard, a noisy drunkard, who was playing on his lute, stopped his playing to abuse and swear at everyone passing him in the foulest language. Bayazid walked over to the drunkard and asked him not to abuse passers-by. The drunk became so angry that he turned his dirtiest tongue on Bayazid. He became so angry that he broke his lute on Bayazid's head. The lute broke into little pieces. Early the next morning Bayazid prepared a basket full of sweetmeats and placed some money on top of it. His servant delivered the gift to the drunk with the following message: "Last night, my head was responsible for breaking your lute. Please buy yourself a new one from the money in the basket. Please remove the sourness of your tongue by taking these sweetmeats!" Can you imagine how the drunk felt? He was so struck with shame and repentance that he rushed to Bayazid begged his forgiveness and vowed to stop drinking. Bayazid believed that while we should condemn the actions of the drug user, we must continue to assist him overcome his problem.

Let us appeal to our young Muslims brothers and sisters: Your youth is your most precious gift. Don't let dope take it away from you. The euphoria (state of well-being) that the drug gives you are short-lived and its after-effects devastating. It cannot bring you happiness, love, success and peace. It cannot make you forget the pressures of life or help you to COPE with life. It will only increase your suffering and dependence on more and stronger drugs. There are alternatives. The best way to cope with the pressures of life is not to wish it away but to come to terms with life. Almighty Allah is near and His beneficence and mercy within our reach.

But the drugs like dagga, Mandrax, LSD, alcohol, and others, do not attract only the younger section of society. How many homes are not broken up because father or mother had been so demoralised by drugs and alcohol that he or she had forgotten their responsibilities as husband and wife or parents? How many little children are not sent out begging for want of food because of the Devil's brew? How many young girls and boys are not so debased morally that they end up as prostitutes or murderers? Most crimes in our society result from the indulgence in liquor, but other drugs seem to be on the ascendancy if they have not already overtaken alcohol. There are those who indulge who would say: "We are only social drinkers or smokers and do not over-indulge. There is no yardstick. Partaking of drugs can NEVER be justified. The Holy Quran CONDEMNS INDULGING IN INTOXICANTS IN WHATEVER MEASURE. No wonder Rasoolullah (Saw). referred to it as the "Mother of all evils." For surely, it is the key to every horror. Thus he said: "Keep yourself aloof from the mother of all evils."UMMUL GHABAA-IETH.

This is why the Prophet (S.A.W). said: "Keep yourself away from intoxicants, for surely faith (Iman) and intoxicants cannot combine in the body of one person -- when the one enters the other departs." He also said: "Allah curses intoxicants, and the one who buys intoxicants,

The partaker of intoxicants, the one who wraps or pours intoxicants, the one who sells it, the one who presses and packs it, the one who carries and the one to whom it is carried, and the one who gets the profits derived there from."

Obey the Commands of Allah. Keep away from this terrible evil, so that we may be free of Allah's wrath. It is reported by Bukhari and Muslim: "Everything which intoxicates, inebriate and animate is "Ham'r" and everything which intoxicates is prohibited; and whosoever partakes of Ham'r in this world and dies without Taubah, will not partake of the pleasures of the Hereafter."

Can we allow ourselves to be diverted from the Path of truth and justice, respect and responsibility, physical health and human dignity and above all, submission and thankfulness to Allah SWT by indulging in drugs and intoxicants?

We pray Almighty Allah – O Allah!! Safeguard our Iman, grant us the strength to abstain from intoxicants and all forms of social vices, -- O Allah!!! Protect all of us and all our children from an environment deliberately designed to turn our attention away from You Allah, .- O Allah, place within our hearts, a deep and irresistible desire to improve ourselves. - And help us to overcome the temptations and distractions of life, and let us yearn and crave for things that bring us closer to you. - O Allah!! Let our desires and ambitions be pure and wholesome, and let our thoughts, our words, and our actions converge in harmony and unity in accordance with Your Will -- Amin
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل

عدد المساهمات : 9693
نقاط : 17987
السٌّمعَة : 67
تاريخ التسجيل : 11/03/2010
العمر : 55

مُساهمةموضوع: رد: DRUG AUSE   DRUG AUSE Emptyالأحد سبتمبر 25, 2011 4:04 pm

May Allah reward you

world is suffering today from a lot of problems, and most serious
problem of drug abuse especially among young people, including
schoolchildren, university students, and the emergence of new types of
drugs is known traditional hashish and opium, is the heroin that draws a
focused manner of opium - as well as Almrovin - and codeine - and the
emergence of Kmsal steroids and vitamins cocaine and khat.

were numerous and means of engagement, engagement between the mouth -
and deal smell through the nose - and injecting under the skin and vein.

And the spread of these materials are all in different social circles, from high-end neighborhoods and even slums.

drug is almost incurable disease that kills our young people making
them dead bodies and empty minds and empty hearts at a time when we
urgently need to be valuable to the men answering the call of the
homeland defense of the land, honor and be a key building block in the
development of the country.

the enemy wants to betray the people, it attacks the main production
sites Balnsf and vandalism, and if he could not Fbalehilh and treachery
target substance of the work itself, a human resources and discharged
from the content of their will and their competencies and skills.

Call to the migration of the best minds and skills to the most efficient in terms of sites of production.

On the other hand weaken the force remaining in the homeland.

revealed the United Nations in a report that the number of people who
take drugs in the world amounted to about 185 million people in 2003,
versus 180 million in the nineties.

The drug trade represents 8% of the total world trade.

A study conducted in 1999 a close relationship between addiction and AIDS, and hepatitis.

The definition of drugs:

Drug Language: numbness, weakness and laziness, a chill and relax and say: numbness User relaxed if not tolerate the movement.

The drug, known as jurists, that the unseen mind and senses is drunkenness or intoxication.

This definition is appropriate for an earlier time, but with the reality of today's drugs, it can be defined, as:

disturbs the mind and senses and fantasies Alohlas after ecstasy and
Tarab, familiarize yourself with them and lead them to comply.

The reasons for the spread of drugs:

the spread of drugs for various reasons including the nature of these
materials, or personal addicts and conditions of the environment,
culture and colonial political in the contemporary world.

1 for political reasons: Yes .. It
was the Astkhrab and plans to enslave the Muslim world and the
developing countries in general a significant impact on the spread of
drugs on a large scale in order to control the nation's capacity to
paralyze and kill their souls, as it did when Britain encouraged the
cultivation of opium in India and Egypt.

and perhaps the most important social causes: the difficult conditions
at work, and the spread of unemployment, and the abundance of films
falling promoted by, and mimicry, which controls the boys, with the
poverty that Aljihm to search for those who give him or gives him the
means Vilagafh employers corruption and traders vice, and the vacuum
when the adolescent who does not estimated value of time, couples and bad of the important factors in addiction.

Reasons character: There is also some mental illness; such as
depression, schizophrenia, which are among the factors predisposing to
addiction, and the weakness of religious commitment are important
factors in causing addiction.

Factors of the spread of drug abuse and the reasons:

vacuum at the youth and the failure of the mosque, in turn, mosque is
cuddling educational Taher, and religion and a commitment to approach
God Almighty is the element of security and happiness in the world and
the Hereafter, the Almighty said: (it follow My Guidance, not lost nor
Ishqy (123) and introduce him is a living hardship and the Day of Resurrection Nhacrh blind).

Media destructive of the values ​​and ethics.

curriculum: it improves the learning of science and knowledge
generation, but that does not improve learning and tears his heart the
same reverence.

of bad: bad companions if their thoughts free of faith in God and good
manners, as well as pressure group and young people affected by each

at home corrupt: Because marital disputes, and the use of the father of
the drug and alcohol, child neglect, family disintegration and weak

in life: because of the inability to meet the conditions of life and
responsibilities, and the infiltration of desperation to the person that
compels him to escape occurring among the drugs, and a feeling of
negativity in the community and pay the marginal social youth to drug

Unemployment and the lack of suitable employment, in order to escape from reality and a sense of frustration.

simulation and pride: among young people in late adolescence and early
young age, where most of the studies showing social and seizures of men
that most of the anti-drug abusers of young people for curiosity and

and the subsequent pressure in the new life, or affected by the new
civilization, pushing some to drug abuse; either to relax or to keep up
with the new society.

Forced to deal: the detainees and dissidents.

Torture stewards.

Seduction through engagement: drag the girls to experience abuse to later turn them into sexual topics.

treatments are: considered among the causes of drug abuse the use of
certain drugs without medical advice, medical diagnosis wrong, which may
result in the description of one of the medical treatment of narcotic
drugs and thus creating a state of addiction in the patient.

Islamic ruling on drug

Attention to Islam and the life of man:

the law is intended to make keeping, maintenance and development of the
five elements of life, namely: religion, soul, mind and birth control,
money, and by bringing them the benefits and ward off evil by pointing
out that the drug of the most important sources of corruption that
affect these components.

the necessities that Islam is keen to maintain self-preservation and
conservation of the mind, it is for this campus of doom and doom one to
Hell Almzhbat of the mind and Mufsdat him, none of the people do not
doubt that human happiness hostage to save his mind; because the mind
Kalrouh of the body, knows the good of
evil and harmful than beneficial, and raises the human Vvdilh God and
his generosity to many of his creation and make him responsible for his
work, and when the mind is so serious Allah has forbidden all Aobakh or
dispelled by the sanctity of final.

of prohibition: Islamic law came to save the purposes of being a human
physical and moral, and these purposes are: religion, soul, mind and
birth control and money.

Drugs ruin a person for committing what his religion forbade him God.

As it corrupts the same multiple diseases in the body, tension and anxiety.

And spoil his mind Bngyibh and disable all sound thinking.

also corrupts the supply and birth control drug because the door to
commit adultery, and they inherited diseases Add Atomic to spoil the
money for use in non-benefit rights.

Mind the most important destination of these purposes, a diarrhea:

Religion is the mind of the rituals and rhetoric.

And the soul is the mind of the chaotic movement.

And birth control without a mind Nzo lost.

And money without the mind of corruption and destruction.

ruling: We make no distinction in government between alcohol and drugs,
to Tmathlhma in the illness, the prohibition applies categorically; O
you who believe alcohol and gambling, and monuments and the abomination
of] says: do not kill yourselves, God, and says: [work of the devil
avoid it, that ye may prosper. ... "Do no harm". R, and the Messenger of God [Most Merciful to you

order to use this campus what kills self and the mind of the vaccine or
a drink, and such as stated in the will or vices and evils of alcohol.

commanded us in the sense Bajtnabha dimension, so as not Muslim as well
as closer to the consumer or the related, but as well as to deal with.

and recorded the effects of alcohol, bad people in a relationship with
each other; as it leads to sever the links and to rape, and bloodshed.

lead to spiritual harm as interrupted by the human connection with his
Lord, and tend to remember the greatness of the same God through prayer
Alkhchah control, which is inherited in the severity of the heart and
impure in themselves.

Not to mention the economic damage that goes with money in foolish and wasteful damage does not help.

the law but forbidden to set up wine to pay the injured and
conservation interests; they are denying all the material that will
occur, or the most damage, whether static or drink a liquid or powder or
Makola Mhmoma.

And the name of each wine includes (what Khamer mind and jacket) is a comprehensive drug and the names of all kinds.

the drug; hashish, opium, cocaine and other substances of natural
drugs, as well as manufactured articles narcotic occur the effects of
alcohol in the body and mind, but most; they are prohibited
professionally texts forbidden for the wine and spirit and sense, and
from which the rule of Sharia (the payment of the injured and close any

drug production, trafficking and smuggling, planting trees, helping
them to abuse, and satisfaction of disobedience sin ungodly to pieces,
and God forbade cooperation in the sin He says: {and help one another in
righteousness and piety and do not cooperate in sin and aggression}
[Table: 2].

profit from dealing in the substance of due process in the prohibition
of some of the money, God said: {O you who believe, do not eat up your
property among yourselves unjustly} [women: 29], ie, is not permissible
for any one of you to take and take money other large void, It is not permissible to make money through the void of any forbidden

prohibition includes giving money from dealing in drugs, God said: {O
you who believe, spend of the good things which you have earned
[Baqarah: 267].

a Hadith narrated by Muslim from Abu Hurayrah, may Allah be pleased
with him that the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him said: "Allaah is
Good and accepts only good, but God is faithful to that which the
Messengers said: {O ye Messengers, eat of the good things and do valid}
[Believers: 51], and said: O you who believe, eat of the good things
that We have provided and give thanks to God, if ye him worship
[Baqarah: 172], and then the man prolong travel unkempt dusty extends
his hand to heaven, O Lord, O Lord, and his food is haraam The drink is haraam, his clothing is haraam and haraam Oneness fed him. "

the Hadith narrated by Imam Ahmad in his Musnad from Ibn Masood may
Allah be pleased with him that the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him
said, "and my hand does not earn Abdul money from haram and spend it
Phippark him to it, not charity Faqubl it, do not leave him behind his
back but was Zadeh in the fire, that God does not erase the bad as bad, but bad Belhassen erase does not erase the pernicious evil. "

the Hadith narrated from Abu Hurayrah, may Allah be pleased with him
that the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him said: "It is forbidden
earn money so he gives it did not have his wages, and wages (ie, sin and
punishment) on it."

another interview he said: "It hit the money from reaching its Mothm
mercy, or charity, or spent in the way of Allah gather the crowd and
then thrown in the fire of hell."

the hadeeth narrated by al-Tabaraani in East Abu Hurayrah may Allah be
pleased with him said: The Messenger of Allah peace be upon him: "If he
goes Haj pilgrims alimony good and put his foot in stitches (passengers
of the skin) called out for Peak O to Beck; called out from heaven for
the 'Bring forth those increase
you Rahaltk old and old, and an accepted Hajj is Mazur, and if left to
spend on malignant (ie haram money) he put stitches in his leg, and he
called for Beck, called him out from heaven and not pick at Your
service, increase you haram and your Hajj is an accepted Mazur.

is all of the above was the consensus of scholars on the prohibition of
drug production, cultivation and trade, promotion and abuse of natural
or manufactured, and the criminalization of the offers, the Islamic law
forbids a thing for a Muslim to become haraam for him to do the means
leading to it, as well as the prohibition of all means leading to the
promotion of drugs prohibited whether cultivation or production or smuggling or trafficking.

It does not reward or desert to spend the profits.

is not permissible medication taboo except when designated by the drug
and the absence of other permissible and to the extent necessary until
this addiction and under the supervision of expert doctors to their

guidance to everyone, the police authorities to combat the trade in
these deadly toxins and eliminate nests, and this extension is what he
called the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him advice to God and His
Messenger and the Imams of the Muslims and their common folk.

a hadeeth narrated by Muslim from Abu Sa'eed al-may Allah be pleased
with him said: I heard the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him says:
"Whoever among you sees an evil let him change it with his hand, it
could not then with, the not with his heart; and that is the weakest of
faith." In
this call to fight against evils such as these toxins (drugs), after
that the harm and common ill effects and was the consequence of losing
her man and money and homelands.

would have the authority to remove the drugs and eliminate the nests
and traders had to be commissioned by God and His Messenger and strive
to find in pursuit of this scourge.

was not the owners of power, has a duty to the Promotion of Virtue and
Prevention of Vice, shows people their devastating effects to the same
rights and property, and enjoining what is good to inform the
authorities Bocar dealers, drug abusers, Valtstr the crime a sin and a
crime against the nation and the spread of fornication where, and all
individuals are required to the matter of Virtue and guidance the perpetrators of these evils and drug dealers.


international and domestic action to fight the spread of drugs and
awareness and treatment of addicts Bodhararha about $ 120 billion

of Bureau of Narcotics of the United Nations to the size of the drug
trade now stands at "the range of $ 350 billion annually and it is
expected to increase to 450 billion dollars a year in 2006, compared
with the amount allocated for the year 2000 (as in anti-drug), which set
at $ 6 billion dollars.

Farms do not get only 5% of the price paid by the addict to spread the 95% remaining on their grades the various drug dealers.

effects on the pillars of the economy: production, consumption, and
finance, and the allocation of resources, savings, balance of payments.

Their impact on the most expensive resource - the human - in his mind and body.

it represents production and trade of drugs from a waste of economic
resources, poor allocation, and adversely affect the balance of
payments, pressure on the local currency lost its purchasing power
against foreign currencies.
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل

عدد المساهمات : 9693
نقاط : 17987
السٌّمعَة : 67
تاريخ التسجيل : 11/03/2010
العمر : 55

مُساهمةموضوع: رد: DRUG AUSE   DRUG AUSE Emptyالأحد سبتمبر 25, 2011 4:05 pm

Economic damage:

Addict gets lethargy and laziness and hatred of work.

Often lose his livelihood because of the decline in mental and physical efficiency.

Balmadmn end up to be a burden on society and a heavy burden on his family.

use: reduce the concentration and the presence of permanent memory and
displays the mechanical skills of the loss, and stir moods, reduces the
activity and weakens the mechanism of psychological skills.

and unemployment on opposite sides, the work strengthens the will of
the construction and unemployment discourage ambition, and work the
backbone of development and production which in turn is the key to
progress and prosperity.

Damage drug production:

the drug (grown in the territory of the community) that consume it; it
means wasting manpower and waste of working the land used to grow these
drugs rather than taking advantage in the cultivation of crops needed
and the use of human resources in the country and benefit increases

the drugs are smuggled into the community consumer of narcotic drugs;
this means wasting and spending substantial funds spent by members of
the community consumers by paying the cost of goods smuggled to him
instead of using the money that benefits the community Casterad
materials and mechanisms that benefit the community of production,
education or health.

Phenomenon is also caused harm to the economy of countries:

huge sums of money; salaries of members of the control devices, and the
establishment of prisons, courts, hospitals, and clinics.

All of these amounts could have been used in raising the productivity of society.

Social damage

Addict living the life of a troubled concerned.

Neglects the family.

Neglects his children proper education.

a large part of his income to get the drug and accessories which affect
the status of living of the family in terms of housing, food, health,
education and ethics.

arise addict irresponsible towards the family; resort to search for
source of income, often through illegal; such as begging or
prostitution, or theft.

The rush of children to commit crimes to save money to buy drugs.

Methods of prevention and treatment:

the door of repentance and reception of repentant gently Wood {Say: O
My slaves who have transgressed against themselves, do not despair of
the mercy of God that God forgives all sins: for He is Oft-Forgiving
Most Merciful.

Educate people and to strengthen religious faith, and control of God, and educating young people, raising valid.

Provide safe and stable life.

Strengthen family cohesion: to eliminate the isolation and emptiness.

The role of media in educating the masses to damage the physical, psychological and social consequences of addiction.

to prevent the entry of drugs at all costs that effort, money and human
beings and the recruitment of its scientific and practical in the
dissemination of health awareness.

Countries sought treatment for drug users; the establishment of treatment clinics.

Encourage the addict physically and therapeutically in the treatment and encourage him.

Fruitful efforts:

countries have succeeded with the assistance of the United Nations and
the seriousness of domestic programs to reduce the production quantities
of narcotic substances and here are examples:


has led the implementation of the alternative development program,
which took fifteen years with the support of the international community
and local donors to the virtual elimination of poppy production in 2000
after Pakistan was one of the most important oil-producing countries.


Lebanon has been able to completely eliminate the cultivation of opium poppy in the Bekaa Valley.


has succeeded in eradicating opium production during the nineties, and
was replaced by the production of poppy straw for use in the
pharmaceutical industry.


Did you know

That .. Drug .. Lonely roads.

Beginning: curiosity and experience.

And middle: drift unconsciously behind the bad companions and self-Hui.

Most recently: addiction and loss and failure in the truth of God and the soul and the nation.

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