Fasting is a natural remedy for many health problems and problems, Animals instinctively fast when ill. When a person fasts Aftagueth renewed and become more active, it is natural and important therapy for many medical problems and life and even preventative method. Most of the unrest, which dealt with fast those caused by eating too much and not those that result from malnutrition, and some chronic diseases such as atherosclerosis, blood pressure
High and heart disease
However, fasting helps to solve the psychological problems of the human being Muslim Enqlho to a life filled with Bliiman and Alrouhnyatwaltminan
However, the fast end in Mato obedience to God and it helps in lowering the
Sight and recommended the Prophet peace be upon him young people who are unable to marry fast the faithful Muslim youth has invited the Messenger of Allah you Somo and keep for chat rooms and monitors the net and talk with women for the lust Mailp and Gdo Obesrkm Montm hope of this nation and the Rise of the support of your religion Belalm
Plying and women of the nation in need and to Mroitkm Hmyaten
Of each victim and BULK Ga