Dr. Sasa عضو نشيط
عدد المساهمات : 107 نقاط : 172 السٌّمعَة : 0 تاريخ التسجيل : 03/04/2010
| موضوع: Warum bin ich Muslim geworden? السبت أبريل 03, 2010 11:55 pm | |
| Warum bin ich Muslim geworden? Auf die Fragen meines Sohnes konnte ich keine Antwort geben. Er fragte mich warum es drei Götter gibt? Da ich selber nicht an die drei Göttertheorie glaubte, konnte ich keine vernünftige Antwort geben. Im Jahre 1928 kam mein Sohn weinend zu mir und sagte: „Mutter, ich habe die islâmische Religion durchstudiert und festgestellt, dass die Muslime an einen einzigen Allâh glauben, und nicht an viele Götter. Ich habe die Absicht, ein Muslim zu werden, bitte schließ dich mir an.“ Aufgrund meines Sohnes habe ich angefangen, den Islâm zu studieren. Ich bin zur Berliner Moschee gegangen, in der ich vom dortigen Imâm eine positive Reaktion bekommen habe. Er hat mir die Grundzüge des Islâm erklärt. Je mehr er mir den Islâm erklärte, desto mehr gab ich ihm Recht und verstand die Richtigkeit des Islâms.
Auch ich glaubte dann, dass der Islâm die einzig richtige Religion ist. Der Islâm akzeptiert eine Drei-Götter-Theorie nicht als Glaube, den ich seit meiner Kindheit nicht verstand. Die tief greifende Forschung des Islâms brachte mich zur Kenntnis, dass das Ablegen der Beichte bedeutungslos ist (So würde doch Jeder Sünden begehen und dann seine Beichte abgeben). Genauso, dass der Papst frei von Sünden sei und er andere Menschen von Sünden befreien kann. Ich fand das alles bedeutungslos im Gegensatz zu den Grundzügen und Lebensweisen des Islâm. So wurde auch ich ein Muslim, wie mein Sohn.
Heute bin ich eine Großmutter geworden, und es freut mich so sehr, dass meine Enkelkinder als Muslime auf die Welt kommen. Ich glaube fest daran, dass Allâh - der Erhabene - denen hilft, die von Allâh zum richtigen Weg geleiten wurden. | |
نور_ربنا إغفر مشرف
عدد المساهمات : 223 نقاط : 268 السٌّمعَة : 4 تاريخ التسجيل : 12/03/2010 العمر : 37
| موضوع: رد: Warum bin ich Muslim geworden? الأحد أبريل 04, 2010 1:02 am | |
| [size=18]السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته اهلا بالاخت الجميلة ساسا جزاكي الله كل خير حبيبتي ووفقك ربي الى كل خير[/size] | |
Dr. Sasa عضو نشيط
عدد المساهمات : 107 نقاط : 172 السٌّمعَة : 0 تاريخ التسجيل : 03/04/2010
| موضوع: رد: Warum bin ich Muslim geworden? الأحد أبريل 04, 2010 1:06 am | |
| we alikoum el salam my dear sister nour gazakkalah kheiran misslu and i thank u too for your nice reply for me | |
مسلم Admin
عدد المساهمات : 9693 نقاط : 17987 السٌّمعَة : 67 تاريخ التسجيل : 11/03/2010 العمر : 55
| موضوع: رد: Warum bin ich Muslim geworden? الأحد أبريل 04, 2010 1:26 am | |
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته بارك الله فيكم اختنا الدكتوره ساسا اشكركم لتسجيلكم وحاولت ترجمة كلامكم وارجو تصحيح ما يمكن تصحيحه وافضل كتابتكم بالانجليزية او كم عهدناكم في موضوعاتكم العربية طبتم وطاب مسعاكم لماذا أصبحت أنا مسلم؟
لم أستطع الإجابةعلى أسئلة ابني. سألني لماذا هناك ثلاثة آلهة؟
وأنا شخصيا لا اعتقد من الناحية النظريةفي الآلهة الثلاثة ،لا يمكن أن أعطي أي إجابة منطقية. في عام 1928 جاء ابني باكيا ، وقال ، لقد درست الدين الإسلامي وجدت أن المسلمين يعتقدون في واحد الله ، وليس في كثير من الآلهة. لدي نية لأصبح مسلما ، من فضلك من فضلك الانضمام لي. "بسبب ابني بدأت في دراسة الإسلام. ذهبت إلى مسجد في برلين ، حصلت ردا ايجابيا من الامام واوضح لي في أساسيات الإسلام. ولم يقل لي في الإسلام أكثر من أنه أعطى الحق وفهم حقيقة الإسلام.
وحتى ذلك الحين كنت لا أعتقد أن الإسلام هو الدين الوحيد الصحيح. وافقت على ثلاثة آلهة ، ليست نظرية الايمان ، والتي لم أكن أفهم منذ طفولتي. جلبت البحث العميق للإسلام وألاحظ أن إسقاط الاعتراف لا معنى له (انتم حين ارتكاب أي الخطايا ،واعترافه). مجرد ان البابا كان حرا من الخطيئة وانه يمكن تحرير الناس من الخطيئة الأخرى. لقد وجدت كل شيء لا معنى له ، خلافا لمبادئ توجيهية وأساليب الحياة في الإسلام. وهكذا أيضا ، وأصبحت أنا مسلمة ، مثل ابني.
لقد أصبح اليوم في جدة ، ويطيب لي ، لدرجة أن أحفادي في العالم تأتي المسلمين . واعتقد جازما أن الله -- تعالى -- سوف يساعد أولئك الذين كانوا برفقة الله إلى الطريق الصحيح
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Dr. Sasa عضو نشيط
عدد المساهمات : 107 نقاط : 172 السٌّمعَة : 0 تاريخ التسجيل : 03/04/2010
| موضوع: رد: Warum bin ich Muslim geworden? الأحد أبريل 04, 2010 1:53 am | |
| eslamo 3likum my big brother thanks for translation my subject in arabic and inshallah my mum will help me to translate a or i will subject in arabic or i will write them in english wa gzaka allaho khiran | |
مسلم Admin
عدد المساهمات : 9693 نقاط : 17987 السٌّمعَة : 67 تاريخ التسجيل : 11/03/2010 العمر : 55
| موضوع: رد: Warum bin ich Muslim geworden? الأحد أبريل 04, 2010 2:37 am | |
| - Dr. Sasa كتب:
- eslamo 3likum my big brother
thanks for translation my subject in arabic and inshallah my mum will help me to translate a or i will subject in arabic or i will write them in english wa gzaka allaho khiran وعليكم السلام دكتورة ساسا
جزي الله والدتكم كل الخير عما قدمته من تنشئة طيبة لكم
نعم الام ونعم الابنة
أشرقت انواركم علي منتدانا فازداد بريقا ولمعانا
فطوبي لكم فيما تقدمونه من خير للاسلام وللمسلمين
طبتم وطاب مسعاكم | |
Dr. Sasa عضو نشيط
عدد المساهمات : 107 نقاط : 172 السٌّمعَة : 0 تاريخ التسجيل : 03/04/2010
| موضوع: رد: Warum bin ich Muslim geworden? الأحد أبريل 04, 2010 2:04 pm | |
| gzaka allho khiran ksiran wa barak allho fik my big brother | |
مسلم Admin
عدد المساهمات : 9693 نقاط : 17987 السٌّمعَة : 67 تاريخ التسجيل : 11/03/2010 العمر : 55
| موضوع: رد: Warum bin ich Muslim geworden? الجمعة أبريل 09, 2010 1:28 am | |
| Ali, who is a young man we mean by Western youth who lost a life is worthless, but is more like the lives of animals or worse, like other young people who did not find the to take the right hand and invites him to the religiway on of justice and goodness and truth .. Thus he lived but he was stranded on a date with the kindness of God So go ahead and has reasons that changed his life and Astnqzh from the torment forever, Fahadah to Islam after a trip to search for quite some time .. When Aslam was not satisfied to be like many of the Muslims without the effectiveness or the effect, not satisfied that the man is zero has no value, but ambition led him to be a number and have effect, he established a special have access to the Internet tells the story of his conversion to Islam and calls for stranded to his new faith the religion of truth , and raises are sleeping of Muslims to work to spread the faith and support of the right in their hands, and know the value of the treasure they possess and all who wish for a lost fortune to obtain it it would be happy world and the Hereafter.
I do not want to drag you dear readers, but I like to leave you to read the story of his conversion to Islam In it are many lessons to each Mottagaas work of religion, and all too gives a negative image of Muslims.
And now with the story: Say at the beginning of his talk: Question number one is: How do I converted to Islam? And answered himself: Well, this is a story long and I'll give you the shortened version, including: Before Islam used to accompany people ill habits, and I mean very bad people, and when I think of a good thing I find that I did not have a better option than these friends .. It was really wonderful variety of people!!! Them youth deceptive, and boy crazy, and boy blather, including the boy's eccentric, including the thief .. And .. And ...
Siddiqui Muslim Ialljb One day my friends invited me one of the best, and worst of which was created to play with him at the basketball Muslims. I asked him: Well .. this good can we know and be a Muslim?! (Ie, he did not know that his friend is a Muslim). Told me he is a Muslim ... What I said (very surprised) You are a Muslim?!!! I laughed and fill my mouth ..
"Master" (which is the name of the friend) infiltrated the law?!! Sayed, who has just been arrested!!! Mister!! Who was telling me how to cheat in school!! Amazing!! You're a Muslim?! Why .. Are you serious?!!! Well .. I'm sorry ... but you are not a Muslim .. You are trying to booby .. The fool, man?!!!
In fact, I could not believe ... so when I went to his team members play together there, and they were wearing hats the name of Allaah "God" and the word Islam ... Why ...?!!! Oh my God ... How can this be?! I see these boys all the time in school!! I have no idea that they are Muslims. With all the things that I saw them do it I never imagined that they had any connection to any religion.
Then we went to the session of basketball, and when the prayer team come away ... They said: Let us Nbrd abroad! Nbrd?! Hey guys do not you pray five times a day??! - Oh man this is not normal!! We can go outside.
Given the behavior I thought that Islam is something of the culture or something like that .. After I see the way in which Islam is practiced by those I did not find any desire to know about Islam ... Is it possible to become a Muslim after this that I saw of them !!!!... Of course not.
With the passage of time brought me my friends in more and more problems, sometimes it does not look for problems, but the problems the search for you ... One of them was arrested, and the other under control .. And .. And ... And had been shot twice.
Committed to any religion .. So far nothing .. Nothing at all ... You worship idols, I have been a pagan .. Wear a necklace around my neck of the myths!! Believing that this necklace Tnfni, but it did not work, I have been lost in the world of ignorance, a world of ignorance and neglect, no one shall be subjected to Islam; therefore did not have any idea what it is.
Finally realized that these idols did not Tnfni and necklaces, so I have decided to look for the truth .. I said to myself: "If the grandmother will change my life"; so I started to look into different religions and different lifestyles, one after the other. I found errors in the different religions.
Once you find an error in religion, I delivered on by .. What I mean: If the religion of the Creator of all things, of the great God of all power absolute error can not accept it, or accept that the message changed by man!! Or that God had been killed or died!! Did not accept this ...
I was not satisfied to be a religion in which a man dragged behind a blind cleric thought to be closer to God all of us, I do not think this ... I began to despair seems that all religions have been neglected.
On the vagina: One day someone gave me the opportunity to go to find the camps of Islam. I thought this was a good opportunity to get to know the religion of Islam, and unfortunately the timing was not appropriate, my father was in hospital and doctors told us that a few days of his life, my mother told me the need for staying with him might be the last time I see it, initially decided to stay, but after So I changed my mind I do not know why, was left only one religion did not know, and we must know what it is, it is Islam. Despite my desire was against the wishes of my family, but I decided to go.
I took my girlfriend with hair purple and went to the camp of the Islamic ... Friendly with purple hair??! Yes .. Did not I tell you I was lost completely. In any case we arrived at the camp, I give my a lot of problems, but many wanted to sign me off my problems .. And the fact I was very bad.
But after I have grown bored of the many problems subsided and then sat down, started to hear the lectures seemed very exciting, The speaker began talking about things not heard before ... Started to set up .. And analyze .. And I ask .. For the first time in my life I began to think .. Yes, I think .. This has been truly astounding. Everything was clear and understandable. I told myself before: "Wherever you find truth you will stop in," and had found Haona .. So I decided to embrace Islam, and within hours became a Muslim!!
I told my friend that it was over .. Shocked. When I went home, told my father I became a Muslim, as well as at home .. And were shocked. When I told my friends that I have become a Muslim, I thought maybe crazy, and some of them shouted at me: crazy .. Crazy .. I've gone mad.
I think the reason why the camp is different, he Azlni all comedies of life; In normal life we are busy with things that are many and varied, but when you leave aside the concerns of life and an opportunity to think about truth and offers you all that Islam makes sense to order integrated. Have you ever wondered: Why do many prisoners turn to Islam?! Because all the distractions and concerns over ... They do not have anything but thinking and reflection. When I returned from the camp, everyone thought I was crazy .. Why?! Why did not think I'm crazy when I was the most sacred stones?! Strange spotted.
Of any team are you? Thank God I'm a Muslim from that time ... Praise be to God. But now see the difference between these two types of Muslims who were interviewed. Category I: those who knew in the study, were not only a variety of people can not distinguish their religion or identity. Class II: those who met in the camp, who were Muslims. And see which of these varieties influenced?! And which one has had a positive impact and the other negative. He noted .. How he gave me what Islam has become a true Muslim from the next day.
Therefore, if considered yourself a Muslim, and lead stranded around you, how much will be your mark. But if he took the beer with a friend and has been talking about the greatness of Islam will see you as a hypocrite.
There are a lot of people like me .. Want the truth, and they are sincere in that, but they need only to those who provided them.
God has guided you to Islam, it's greatest gift you can get them in your life, should she leave all this to equal access to the lost people?!!! How can this be?!
I have referred to two types of Muslims, and up to you to decide which types are. Yes, one of the options will be more difficult than the other, but its consequences are no doubt good.
You know there is no compulsion in the religion of Islam, so it is our way of life itself that reflect on Islam and presenting it to the people.
Subhaan God ... these Muslims who were around me and they decided to be bad forms of Islam, Islam did not give me one day .. What will they say to Allah the Day of Resurrection?
Thus, if neglected in your religion will be the impact of this on you and you alone, but also to everyone who deals with you .. Do you understand what I say?
I hope so, God willing. | |